Netoju Wiki
Netoju Wiki

Netojū no susume (ネト充のススメ?), also known as "Recovery of an MMO Junkie" was a web manga series written and illustrated by Rin Kokuyō, the series has been published by Media Factory serialized on the Comico app since 2014. An anime television series adaptation directed by Kazuyoshi Yaginuma and animated by Signal.MD began airing in October, 2017. On June 30, 2018, it was announced that Comico has ended the manga due to Rin Kokuyō's failing health.


After quitting her job, Morioka Moriko became a NEET and got addicted to an online game. In that game, even a wilting woman in her thirties like her can become a young, handsome guy and Moriko's new adventure as Hayashi began.


Offline Characters Morioka MorikoYuuta SakuraiKazuomi FujimotoHomare Koiwai
Online Characters HayashiLilyKanbeHimeraldaPokotarou
Anime Recovery of an MMO Junkie
Manga Netojū no Susume